We specialize in offering premium quality Natural Raw Rubber in the marketplace. The RSS Raw Rubber made accessible by us is used in different industries such as transportation sector for making Cycle and Automobile Tyres and Tubes, Retreading Material, Conveyor Belts, Footwear industry in manufacturing of Shoes and Hawai Chappals, Industrial sectors for material handling products, Hoses, Sealing Devices, etc., Consumable Sector for making Rubber Clothing, Inflatable Articles, etc. Quality of Ribbed Smoked Sheets is ascertained as laid down in Green Book Standards.

We deal in following grades of Natural Raw Rubber :

  • Natural Raw Rubber (RSS – 1X)
  • Natural Raw Rubber (RSS – 3)
  • Natural Raw Rubber (RSS -4)
  • Natural Raw Rubber (RSS – 5)
  • Natural Raw Rubber (Good Lot)
  • Natural Raw Rubber (ISNR)

For more details please click on the links given below


Natural Raw Rubber (RSS – 1X)
Natural Raw Rubber (RSS - 1X)

The grade must be produced under conditions wherein all processes are carefully and uniformly controlled. Each bale must be packed free of mould but very slight traces of dry mould on wrappers or bale surfaces adjacent to wrapper found at the time of delivery will not be objected to, provided there is no penetration of mould inside the bale.



Natural Raw Rubber (RSS – 3)
Natural Raw Rubber (RSS - 3)

Slight resinous matter (rust) and slight amounts of dry mould on wrappers, bale surfaces and interior sheets, found at the time of delivery will not be objected to. Should “rust” or “dry mould” in an appreciable extent appear on more than 10% of the bales sampled, it shall constitute grounds for rejection. Slight



Natural Raw Rubber (RSS -4)
Natural Raw Rubber (RSS -4)

Slight resinous matter (rust) and slight amounts of dry mould on wrappers, bale surfaces and interior sheets, found at the time of delivery will not be objected to. Should “rust” or “dry mould” in an appreciable extent appear on more than 20% of the bales sampled, it shall constitute grounds for rejection. Medium sized



Natural Raw Rubber (RSS – 5)
Natural Raw Rubber (RSS - 5)

Slight resinous matter (rust) and slight amounts of dry mould on wrappers, bale surfaces and interior sheets, found at time of delivery will not be objected to. Should “rust” or “dry mould” in an appreciable extend appear on more than 30% of the bales sampled, it shall constitute grounds for objection. Large bark



Natural Raw Rubber (Good Lot)
Natural Raw Rubber (Good Lot)

Natural Rubber Good Lot is dry material. It can be smoked or sun/air dried. We are one of the leading suppliers of Good Lot Rubber in Northern India.



Natural Raw Rubber (ISNR)
Natural Raw Rubber (ISNR)

We are a respected name from Jalandhar(India) and involved in catering to the varied demands of the customers. Buyers prefer us for our practice of delivering the orders within the pre-decided time frame.
